Thursday, July 4, 2013

Jase is 2 Months Old

Whoa!  Where has the time gone?  It was just yesterday that we were having to put padding in the bottom of his swing for him to fit and now he has about outgrown his swing. :-(  One sad momma.  

With all of the ups and downs that we've had the past two months, I think we now have the hang of this whole parenthood thing for now. LOL!  A few things we've learned about Jase:

1. He HATES to be swaddled during the day time.  You'll get this really girly high pitched scream if you try it.  (kinda funny)

2. He LOVES to be swaddled at night. We figured this out about week 2 and haven't looked back.  Keeping him in his swaddle at night makes for a good nights rest.

3. Our kid will not nap. Opossum? Yes!  He will fake you out for about 5 minutes and then open his eyes and smile at you. End result? Still a tired momma.

4. Acid reflux sucks!

5. Breast milk is amazing!  Formula...not so much.

6. He loves to watch T.V.  He has learned to scoot off of his mat and turn himself around to be able to see the T.V. 

7. He has learned how to throw fits. Yep! You turn the T.V. off or his "Johnny Cash" music off..he will scream. What this means for us? We have a very noisy house. 

8. He loves Gretchen. He will just laugh and grin at her if she lays next to him. This makes my heart happy. 

9. He loves to swim. 

10. He hates fireworks. :-(

11.  He loves attention. He will melt anyone's heart that talks to him with a cheesy flirty grin. 

12. WE are in love with this little man. 

I have also been welcomed into the mommyhood circle.  Yep! I didn't know it existed either until I had Jase.  The most random mommies will walk up to you and start talking mommy talk.  It's like a secret club. LOL!  I now find myself talking about baby poops, giggles, milestones, and telling my labor story. It's one weird club to be in, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. ;-)  I now understand all of the mommy talk that my friends tried talking with me before Jase.  Then it seemed like some alien language and now....well....I understand. 

Happy 4th of July!  Hug your babies tight tonight. I know I sure will...and have.  

I think I've had to put Jase down to bed 100 times tonight.  

Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. Neighbors setting off fireworks.  Jase wakes up screaming.  Rock baby to sleep. 

Vicious Vicious cycle. 

Much Love-

The Eisenhower Clan

P.S.  Auntie Faith gets to come stay with us beginning Saturday.  Jase and I are overly excited. Corey probably not so much.  This time every summer giggles, late night talks, lots of popcorn, and make up/hair sessions begin.

Anywho...back to Jase's excitement.  During FaceTime with sis I think he believes I'm doubled.  He gets overly excited when Faith and I start talking at the same time.  He will LOVE her! :-)