Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Talk, Talk, Talk....& 3 months

Be still my heart! 
  Daily I watch this little one grow grow grow.  Also, knowing that this will be my last week of summer, I hold back tears daily.  I know, I know.  I am truly blessed to be able to spend almost 4 months with this precious gift, but I believe that it's a bitter sweet moment just like many moms have.  I LOVE my job, yet I DO LOVE watching my little man learn new things. 
 A few things Jase has learned this month:
1. We are SO proud of this little one.  He has transitioned from the Haeberman bottle to the Pigeon nipple. YAY!  
(Haeberman bottle- basically force feeding your kid. NO FUN! You get lots of questions, funny looks, and that dreaded fear that you are going to choke the bejesus out of your kid)
... Feeder formerly Haberman Feeder special baby bottle feeder 
He is now using  which is a pigeon nipple that goes on the regular medela bottles. AMAZING!  This nipple looks normal to anyone else's eyes, but it still has a valve where the milk can't back flow.  It also has a hard top and a soft bottom on it. This way all Jase has to do is basically bite down and the milk flows out. I am thanking God daily that he has finally figured this out.  I was dying over here feeding my kid like a bird.

2. His daddy has him laughing constantly. 
I love these boys!  

3. He is rolling over like nobodys business.  He started this when he was just a little over 2 months. I'm amazed daily at the things he does to watch T.V. 
P.S. I caught my dad propping him in front of the T.V. watching Madagascar the other day. Shame. Shame. 
(watching T.V. as he plays with his ball)

4. He now sleeps in his own crib. We put him to bed at 8p.m. asleep or awake and he's usually out within 5 minutes. THANK YOU JESUS!

 5.This boys loves to talk. 

A little background on this...

His momma is a talker.  God sure did give me the gift of gab.  This can be a GREAT gift in some situations, yet awful in others. 

 I am a teacher. Talking has to be a strong quality.(PLUS all this kid heard for 9 months was talk talk talk while I taught taught taught)

BUT... sometimes it's not all that great.

I married my husband 5 years ago after dating for 4. We are PERFECT for each other!  He calms me down (Pretty sure I was supposed to be diagnosed with ADHD) and I give him a little spunk. I talk talk talk and he listens listens listens ignores and says umm hmm.  He has finally admitted that he has learned to tune me out. LOL!  :-( The other night I asked him to do a few things and then ended it with, "Did you hear me?" He of course said, "Yes, hun!"  I then asked him what I had said.
Are you ready for this?
He replies with, "I love you??"
Good guess, but NOPE!  Oh boy....

I also find myself asking him quite often, "Do you think I talked too much? I think I talked too much. What do you think they thought about ______? I talked too much, didn't I?"
This conversation one person conversation happens quite often. I dread it when he takes me somewhere "different" or where I'm a little uncomfortable.
Example: The first time I met the entire crew at his fire station: (Mind you, he works at a large station with about 12 men.)
He introduces me to each one and of course I'm nervous. This is his 2nd family. They have heard everything about me. I'm SURE Corey has talked me up some. I have to be the perfect wife in front of them.
So of course, my gift kicks in. I talk, talk, talk.  After I left, I was so nervous that I had no idea what I had even talked about.  I'm sure I started 15 conversations and never ended a single one. I'm sure I told long winded stories without a climax or ending. I'm sure I embarrassed myself as well as Corey.  

Of course I did.  

The next morning Corey came home with a list of things saying, "I can't believe you said that." and "So and So thinks your hilarious." and "Kristina! Please don't ever mention ______again." 

Yep. I like to talk. 

I guess what I'm trying to get as is that there really isn't anything or anyone who can quiet my heart. I think think think. I over analyze each move someone makes or each word they say while they are speaking to me. Right then, my mind wanders 100 different directions and then BLAH...I start talking off subject or repeating myself. BUT, this little guy quiets my heart. I spend hours just watching him and praying. I thank God daily for such a perfect gift. I ask myself what I have done to receive such an innocent, perfect, and beautiful gift to raise the best I can to be a Godly man. Looking back, I don't know what life was really like before Jase. I was so empty without him, yet didn't know it. I can't imagine not waking up thinking about him, going to bed without thinking about him, waking up 10 times a night to go check on him, or loading up the truck to the roof just to go to Wal-Mart. :-)  I love this little guy and 3 months ago I KNEW God is a miracle maker and my Savior. I'm blessed.

the end.

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