Friday, January 3, 2014

7 and 8

Month 7 brought us pure joy! Who doesn't love their baby's first Christmas?
He loves his deer. Photographing his milestones and his favorites each month means so much to me!  I can't wait to look back and see what J-man could do each month.

and a little random winter sunset...

God sure has blessed us tremendously.  Jase was the greatest gift we ever could have received.  Some days I just look at our little superhero and thank God out loud with the biggest tears rolling down my face.  If anyone has ever doubted God's glory, just look down at your child/children.  They are the greatest gifts you will ever receive. God chose YOU to be their parents. How awesome is that?

The day we were told that Jase was considered "special needs" we were devastated.  I did question God's reasoning for giving us this child at first, but today I know EXACTLY why God chose Jase to be ours!  I promised myself that I wouldn't let PRS define him. (Yes, that term PRS is mentioned a lot on this blog, BUT he was given to us to educate others and show that God is our Almighty and answers prayers.)  Boy has this kiddo not let PRS define him! 

We have a very vocal, energetic, happy child. He shows us daily that God is sooooo good.  For instance, we were walking through the good ole' Wal-Mart a few weeks ago. As I was walking down an aisle minding my own business, I heard my child say, "HI!" "HI!" "HI!" WHOA! Did he just say, hi?  YEP!  He sure did.  OVER and OVER and OVER again.  As I looked down I noticed that Jase was studying an elderly man that looked like he hadn't had an easy day in a long time. My superhero was showing me how great God's love is.  Jase continued to say hi until this elderly man turned around.  When I looked at the man and apologized for my sons continuous ramblings directed towards him, he got the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.  He slowly walked using his cane over to us and put his hand out for Jase to grab.
(Being the germaphobe that I am in public, surprisingly this didn't bother me)
He told me not to apologize and continued to cue and goo at Jase while my little boy was saying hi over and over again. He had brightened someones day that I had simply looked over. Jase is teaching me so much each day.  Being the teacher that I am, I thought all I'd be doing is teaching this little one many things, yet his innocence is rubbing off on me little by little. 

Month 8-
and for those of you who think he never cries.  Here I had told him no.  His feelings are hurt so easily. LOL

This month has brought on a whole new perspective of an all nights sleep!  Apparently at 8 months old they begin this whole separation anxiety junk. This is for the birds. The birds, I tell ya!!!
Go to bed at 8.  Routine
Wake up at 9. NOT ROUTINE
Wake up at 12. NOT ROUTINE
Wake up at 3, 4, 5...NOT ROUTINE
Good morning, it's 6:30. Routine.
How can he wake up so chipper in the mornings?

He LOVES to bang telephones against the wood floors. ;-) I figured I'd photograph him with his favorite.
Love those toes!
He is FULLY, yes FULLY on the sippy cup! YAY!!!!

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