Sunday, March 16, 2014

God's Little Miracles are HUGE

I don't even know where to begin…

I guess I'll start at the very beginning with God being at the center of it all.  Going back a few blog posts to Jase's Story, you'll find that telling J's story has been quite difficult.  In all honesty, the night that was supposed to be the happiest night of my life became one of the scariest and 'lost' days of my life.  I cried that entire night questioning God and asking why we would be put in this situation.
Why did my kid have to be the one with a cleft?  Why does my kid have to go through this?  Why after taking such good care of myself did this happen?  Why would this happen to US?

I've been a believer, a true believer in God, since I was 13.  I have always known who God was with being raised in a Christian home with Christian friends/family, but I didn't truly begin to know God until I was a teenager.   God has been at the center of our  (my husband and I) lives from the beginning of our relationship, yet I have a whole new perspective of WHO our God is and what He is capable of since the day I began questioning God in April.

A very cold Tuesday morning in February, my husband and I got out of bed with butterflies in our stomachs and with circles under our eyes from NO sleep.  This day was the day we had been dreading for 10 months.  There had not been a day that I hadn't thought about this cold February morning. As you know, J was born with a cleft palate and diagnosed with PRS (Pierre Robin Sequence).
Today was his surgery date.  We were ecstatic, yet very very overwhelmed and scared about what our little super baby was about to go through.

I went in to J's room to wake him and he was up and at 'em with a bright smile on his face.  He couldn't wait to begin his day, yet he didn't quite understand the traumatic events that he was about to face and endure.  I will always remember this day vividly.  We put his Valentine's shirt on him along with his fleece hoodie and pants.  Hubs nor myself ate or drank anything this morning and we loaded J in the truck along with all of his favorites, our luggage for the hospital stay, snacks, backpack filled with distractions for the day, and blankets.  He was only allowed to have clear liquids until 6am (surgery at 9).  I made him a sippy with diluted apple juice. HE LOVES THIS, yet he knew something was going on and hardly drank 2 ounces.

We arrived at the hospital RIGHT ON TIME.  My father was there waiting on us.  J, my father, and I waited inside while hubs parked the truck and brought our distractions (that didn't work) in.  I'll always remember the smell of my father's leather jacket mixed with the smell of the hospital as a reminder of that morning.  We were called back after about 5 minutes of waiting to check in.  Once we were checked in, we waited about 5 more minutes for J to be weighed, temperature taken, and to be changed into his little yellow hospital shirt and pants.  At this time, we were in a hurry to get this process over.  J gave my father some lovin's and we headed on back to a room to wait on his doctor.

J was restless and I allowed him to suck on his cup without anything in it to soothe him.  At this point a few nurses were in and out checking on him and taking blood.  My memory gets a little foggy here, because quite honestly all I was trying to do was take in all of J's lovins and try my darndest to not cry.  Despite all my efforts (watching T.V., reading J books, making a mental grocery list) they didn't work.  As soon as his sweet sweet nurse Lucia walked in with another nurse, I fell apart.  I couldn't help but cry and all the stresses of this day were being let loose through tears.  Here is where I should have looked to God, but instead the distractions took over me.

Lucia and Dr. Hartzell explained to us one more time what to expect and answered all of our questions.  It was time.

Lucia asked to take J from us and he went right to her with a bright smile on his face.  I went to give him some more lovins and he wouldn't even have anything to do with me.  He was so excited to be in her arms.  We gave him some kisses and watched as she took him around the corner. With tears rolling down my face, we walked the halls back to the waiting room.   Hubs looked at me and said, "We didn't pray over him with our family before he left."  I couldn't help but to linger over this the entire time we waited for his surgery to end.  I prayed all morning for our little man.

In the waiting room, I was met a few minutes later by my sweet sweet friend, Bridgette.  She knew exactly what to say at all times, the moments I needed to leave the waiting room, and the topics of conversation that I needed during our 4 1/2 hour wait in the waiting room.

THE LONGEST 4 1/2 HOURS OF MY LIFE!  This day seemed to never end.  Lucia came out and told us that everything was going great.  I can't thank her enough for her kind words throughout the past 10 months and her compassionate nature.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he put her in our lives.
Every hour during surgery the lady at the desk would call us just to let us know that surgery was going great.  In a way, I wish that we wouldn't have heard anything during this 4 hours.  No news is good news.

We were finally called back to speak with Dr. Harzell, Dr. Rosenberg, and Nurse Lucia.  Surgery went well and as expected.  Not only was his cleft palate closed, but he also had tubes put in his ears.  We were told that he had a tongue suture and not to be alarmed when we saw him.  (This didn't help our anxiety.)

We were called back again 15 minutes later.  We were told he was in recovery.  We followed a nurse back to the recovery room.  This ocean themed room included at least 10 curtains.  As we walked down the hall looking for the right stall, I walked right past our baby.  I didn't recognize him.  What mother doesn't recognized her own child?  Well, one who wasn't expecting to see what she saw.

My baby was being held by the nurse and she was so loving to our little man.  He was watching her as she filled out paper work and she was just a'rocking him side to side as he whined.  As soon as I saw him, I ran to her and picked him up.  He laid his head on my shoulder.  The black suture was sticking out of his mouth.  This was looped through his tongue in case the swelling blocked his airway, they could pull his tongue out to help him breathe.  Luckily, the suture was taken out minutes later. :)
Our sweet boy immediately fell back asleep on my shoulder.

We got to walk to our room while holding J hooked up to all of the monitors, IV, and covered in blankets.  Surprisingly we had to walk through the waiting room while all of our family watched.

When we got to our room, we were surprised to find just two cribs and one chair.  How was I supposed to hold my hurting and down right pitiful baby?  We were then offered a bed, yet had to always be in bed with him.  We gladly accepted.

I spent that entire evening worried about every little thing. His ears were bleeding.  His nose was bleeding.  His mouth was bleeding My poor baby looked pitiful.  I'd have to admit, our little trooper took this sooooooooo much better than we did. I was a WRECK.  A WRECK.  Our family soon got to come back one by one and check on us.  I wouldn't let our baby go.

We hadn't expected to stay longer than one night in the hospital, yet J wasn't drinking.  I wouldn't blame him.  His entire mouth had been taken apart and put back together along with tubes put in that were still bleeding.

I can't thank Dr. Rosenberg and Lucia for their compassion and for drying my tears.  Night two they walked in and I was a complete wreck.  I was done with the IV stuck in my baby's foot.  I was done with the tears.  I was done with the constant worrying.  Watching my baby cry in pain had taken its toll on me.  Dr. Rosenberg and Lucia were so very compassionate and the exact reason we love Children's Hospital so very much.

Finally on day three our WONDERFUL WONDERFUL nurse that had been with us for 3 days came in and encouraged J to drink.  He drank his 3 ounces that had to be taken before we left.  As soon as were given our discharge papers, we skedaddled right out of there.

I wanted to take his recovery nurse home with us.  She was so personal, compassionate, and helpful.  She was a young nurse, yet reminded us of a 30 year nurse who always knew exactly what to do, even if the 'manual' said not to.  She was AMAZING.  Mrs. Turnipseed had to be one of the best nurses I've ever met on up there with Ms. Lucia.

We immediately went home after picking up J's prescriptions.  I was so thankful to be home, yet scared to death.  What were we going to do without his nurses?  My father showed up shortly after we got home and made me sleep.  I hadn't slept more than 1 hour at a time for now 4 days.  This nap was THE BEST!

Recovery was hard on us, yet our little boy was a true Superman.  He took surgery and recovery so well.  It did take him right at a week to begin drinking the recommended ounces.  He had to wear his no-no's at all times, unless he was directly supervised.  This did include night time and naps.

 WHOOOwheee, did I have a restless baby at night?

I had taken off a week to stay at home with J and hubs had to go back to work immediately after we got home. :(

After two weeks of recovery, I was playing with J and while holding him upside down I noticed a black spot in the roof of his mouth.  Could it be?  yep.  Our little superman had a hole in the roof of his mouth.  After a few days, I checked again.  It was still there.  His doctor had said that sometimes cleft palates have to be repaired more than once.

I was devastated.


I had waited months for all of this to be over.  I had faith that our child was going to only have to have ONE surgery.

I immediately e-mailed his nurse and was informed they were going to wait until his post-op appointment to see it or do anything.

I went back to work.  I kept to myself.  Truly, I was depressed.

His sitter noticed the hole in his mouth which was still about the size of two pencil erasers.  This IS quite large when you think of a 10 month olds palate.  It was right where his hard and soft palate meet.  My mother in law noticed it next.  I was hoping that I was just seeing things, but after a few others saw this hole in his palate, I began the process of accepting what our future held for us.

Every night I prayed.  I didn't just pray, I PRAYED.  I was down on my knees, begging God to heal my baby.  Thanking him for our wonderful child and for finally giving us a child after waiting 3 years for him.

I am thankful.  I am SO thankful for our little boy.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us this most precious child to raise showing him God's love.  We are truly blessed and I would go through this whole entire process all over again.  Even though we were given a child with a cleft, we now know WHY.  God has answered all of the questions that I asked him on that scary April night.

Two days before his post op appointment (4 weeks after surgery), I checked his palate again.  That dreadful hole was STILL there.  No healing.  Again, nightly we prayed.  I prayed.  I PRAYED.  The begging, out loud, crying on my knees, mumbling, squalling prayer.

We went to his post op appointment.  Disappointed.  Upset.   Nervous.

Dr. Rosenberg came in and looked at his palate and we couldn't believe our ears.  His palate was completely healed.  Stitches were still in, but no hole.  We were still doubtful, but when Dr. Hartzell came in and said everything looked good we couldn't believe it.

GOD had performed a miracle.  Within two days J's palate had completely closed.  I took a look for myself after leaving the hospital.  I COULD believe.  God is our almighty.  God had answered our prayers.  The WHY we had asked God all along had been answered.  J was given to us to show us that God still does perform miracles.  He is still very real and deserves praise every second of every day.  When I hear someone say, "Praise Jesus," I now know the true meaning of PRAISE JESUS!  Not a second goes by that I don't look to God knowing that He is right there beside me walking with me through every journey.  Not a second goes by that I don't doubt God and know that there is a reason for all the trials that we go through in our lives.  I have hit the lowest of lows this past year, yet I now have the closest relationship with God that I have ever had.

I am here to tell you that God knows your every worry.  He is the Almighty Healer, Lord of Lords, answers prayers, and performs MIRACLES.

I received a text from a friend after informing our friends of family of the good news and it said…

"God is good my friend.  So glad great things still happen to great people."

I will tell you that things don't happen just because someone is 'great', but great things happen to those who  ask, have faith, and believe.  Great things can and will happen to EVERYONE, even the not so great, because God loves everyone. I'm not here saying that I am a great person and that's why God has showed us his healing powers, because there are days that I'm a not so great person.  God loves us all and created YOU for a purpose.

 There are things in your life to be grateful for.  I will admit that I have had this awful gray cloud over me the past year.  After losing two great people in my life that I was so close to, dealing with this thing called PRS, and trials that have been dealt my way; there were days where I was the doubtful Christian and had hard trying days.  Now, I am happy knowing that God has been with me every step of the way.  God is SO GOOD.

If you do not know God or are doubting your relationship with God, please know that He IS walking with you and loves you. He isn't 'the church' or 'the way that person acts'; He is GOD and understands you and what you have been through and what you are going through.  He loves you so much and will answer your prayers.  They may not be answered immediately or the way you expect, but they will be answered, just ask.

The following were placed in the bible for a reason.  They are not just verses. They are God's word and His word is oh so true.

Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Matthew 7:7
7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.…

Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

John 16:23
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

1 John 5:14
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Our experience this past month proves that God does exist.  Yes, we are thankful for the doctors!  Oh we are so thankful for them.  God knew exactly who to put in our path.  Dr. Hartzell, Rosenberg, and J's nurses are WONDERFUL and we can't thank them enough for their time, compassion, knowledge, and patience, yet God is the Almighty Healer.  He proved that to us two days before J's post op and the day of his post op.


We thank you Lord for our wonderful son and the miracles that you have performed in our lives.  We thank you for your compassion, learning trials, and your wonderful healing hand.  We praise you Lord!  Oh how we praise you!

Friday, January 3, 2014

7 and 8

Month 7 brought us pure joy! Who doesn't love their baby's first Christmas?
He loves his deer. Photographing his milestones and his favorites each month means so much to me!  I can't wait to look back and see what J-man could do each month.

and a little random winter sunset...

God sure has blessed us tremendously.  Jase was the greatest gift we ever could have received.  Some days I just look at our little superhero and thank God out loud with the biggest tears rolling down my face.  If anyone has ever doubted God's glory, just look down at your child/children.  They are the greatest gifts you will ever receive. God chose YOU to be their parents. How awesome is that?

The day we were told that Jase was considered "special needs" we were devastated.  I did question God's reasoning for giving us this child at first, but today I know EXACTLY why God chose Jase to be ours!  I promised myself that I wouldn't let PRS define him. (Yes, that term PRS is mentioned a lot on this blog, BUT he was given to us to educate others and show that God is our Almighty and answers prayers.)  Boy has this kiddo not let PRS define him! 

We have a very vocal, energetic, happy child. He shows us daily that God is sooooo good.  For instance, we were walking through the good ole' Wal-Mart a few weeks ago. As I was walking down an aisle minding my own business, I heard my child say, "HI!" "HI!" "HI!" WHOA! Did he just say, hi?  YEP!  He sure did.  OVER and OVER and OVER again.  As I looked down I noticed that Jase was studying an elderly man that looked like he hadn't had an easy day in a long time. My superhero was showing me how great God's love is.  Jase continued to say hi until this elderly man turned around.  When I looked at the man and apologized for my sons continuous ramblings directed towards him, he got the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.  He slowly walked using his cane over to us and put his hand out for Jase to grab.
(Being the germaphobe that I am in public, surprisingly this didn't bother me)
He told me not to apologize and continued to cue and goo at Jase while my little boy was saying hi over and over again. He had brightened someones day that I had simply looked over. Jase is teaching me so much each day.  Being the teacher that I am, I thought all I'd be doing is teaching this little one many things, yet his innocence is rubbing off on me little by little. 

Month 8-
and for those of you who think he never cries.  Here I had told him no.  His feelings are hurt so easily. LOL

This month has brought on a whole new perspective of an all nights sleep!  Apparently at 8 months old they begin this whole separation anxiety junk. This is for the birds. The birds, I tell ya!!!
Go to bed at 8.  Routine
Wake up at 9. NOT ROUTINE
Wake up at 12. NOT ROUTINE
Wake up at 3, 4, 5...NOT ROUTINE
Good morning, it's 6:30. Routine.
How can he wake up so chipper in the mornings?

He LOVES to bang telephones against the wood floors. ;-) I figured I'd photograph him with his favorite.
Love those toes!
He is FULLY, yes FULLY on the sippy cup! YAY!!!!

Defeating the PRS sterotype/agenda like a Champ!

WOW!  Has it really been 5 months since the last post?  Time flies when you're busy with a mobile baby!  

I'll catch you up on the past few months...
At four months this little stinker was rolling EVERYWHERE!  He loves, "You are my Sunshine."
At this time we met again with his surgeon and started letting him use a sippy cup for a few feedings a day whether he drank all of his milk or not.  We were just trying to get the transition started early!

He started out using the NUBY soft spout sippy cups with the nipple slit.  Since he doesn't have any suction and isn't able to suck he's been able to bite down on the nipple to get a strong flow of milk!  My smart lil' munchkin.
Actually, he's been using the pigeon feeder which works the same way.  We had transitioned him from the Haeberman nipple to the pigeon quite early by taking one feeding away at a time with the pigeon bottle. For you PRS mommies and daddies, this worked for us. Not saying it would for you, but the constant questions about the Haberman bottle and having to constantly squeeze for our baby got tiring and stressful.  I personally would recommend transitioning from the H to the P nipple ASAP. This also helped our little one transition to the sippy because the sippy worked quite the same way.

For all you non PRS parents:

Cleft palate feeder
Haberman Feeder

Haberman feeder

The Haberman Feeder works well for babies who are small or premature, or who have cleft palate only. It has a one-way valve that keeps milk in the nipple.
The baby can obtain milk by compressing the nipple against the roof of the mouth, without need for suction. The flow of the milk can be adjusted by rotating the nipple in the mouth.
Many babies can obtain milk from this feeder by themselves. The baby can control the flow of milk, and it is less tiring for the person feeding because no squeezing is needed.

Pigeon nipple

The Pigeon Nipple can be used with any bottle. It has a faster flow than the Haberman or squeeze bottle, and works well for slightly older infants.
Some newborns tolerate the flow of the Pigeon Nipple well, but feeding with this nipple should be checked by a nurse or infant feeding specialist on the cleft team.

Cleft palate nipple
Pigeon Nipple

The Pigeon Nipple works by compression only. The nipple has a firm side that goes toward the roof of the mouth and a softer side that goes on the tongue.
A small notch at the base of the nipple serves as an air vent. This notch should be uppermost under the baby's nose when feeding.
Tightening the nipple and collar slows the flow of milk. Loosening it makes the flow faster. If the nipple collapses, loosen and retighten the nipple.
A plastic one-way valve fits into the nipple to keep milk in the nipple. The valve should be placed with the flat side toward the tip of the nipple. When the baby begins to suck, milk flows readily. The infant controls the flow of milk and no squeezing is needed.

5 Months- 

This month welcomed us with 5 teeth ALL at once  Being the "hippy" parents that we are, we do everything to avoid medicines.  This little booger toughed out all five coming in with NOTHING! ;-) Mommy and Daddy about lost their patience though. :-)
 This month we also welcomed the completely MOBILE baby!  He began crawling around for his daddy's watch and then from there he went EVERYWHERE!

6 months-
He loves my USMC dog that hubs got for me when he was at basic many many years ago! :)
And of course he was a pretty handsome dinosaur for Halloween. LOL

Check out that jaw!  We are so happy that we didn't even have to mention jaw distraction!  We again chose to not consider it  because his breathing was O.K.

Our sweet angel started sitting up completely on his own without the occasional topple and crawling EVERYWHERE!

Jase also said "Momma."  Oh how happy I was!!!!  I even caught it on video when he said it the first time!!! yeah buddy!


Many called us crazy, many shunned our decisions, many tried overriding our decision doing it their way , and others opinions were heard, but we didn't listen...

We waited until Jase was 6 months and 1 week to begin feeding pureed foods and it was one of the best parenting decisions we've made; right on up there with refusing a c-section and waiting until Jase was ready to enter the world on his own. 

There were a few reasons for this...

It gives the babies digestive system time to mature.  WHAT????  Yep!  Did you know your babies intestines aren't fully matured at birth?  Feeding too early can cause digestive issues, early allergies, and let in potential illnesses/bacteria.  With Jase already having feeding issues due to his cleft, we didn't want to add anything to our plates.  Some people understood this, others did not. :(

Delaying solids also helps protect your baby from future obesity.  SCORE!

Delaying solids also helped the transition to solid foods easier.  Who wants to lay their kid in a rock-n-play or bouncy seat and force food down their throats when they can't even sit up on their own. Poor babies.  Now on the other hand, if you chose to feed your child earlier; that is your right!  We respect it.  We won't force our opinions on you, just educate. All I ask is that others respect parents decisions. You may have chosen certain things with your child. That may have been the best decision for you.  We will make the best decisions for our child and ask that they are respected.
O.K. Off of my "wait to feed" pedestal.

I'd also like to share with you that we made all of Jase's baby food!  EASY EASY!  Not only did we know what we were feeding Jase, but it was SO much cheaper.  Who doesn't like to save money? Now mind you, it's winter.  The only available fruits in season are apples, bananas, pomegranate, and oranges.  I did have to stray for peaches (which he loves). This PRS baby is eating like a CHAMP!  We were so happy that we waited on solids!

Check out : for more info

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Talk, Talk, Talk....& 3 months

Be still my heart! 
  Daily I watch this little one grow grow grow.  Also, knowing that this will be my last week of summer, I hold back tears daily.  I know, I know.  I am truly blessed to be able to spend almost 4 months with this precious gift, but I believe that it's a bitter sweet moment just like many moms have.  I LOVE my job, yet I DO LOVE watching my little man learn new things. 
 A few things Jase has learned this month:
1. We are SO proud of this little one.  He has transitioned from the Haeberman bottle to the Pigeon nipple. YAY!  
(Haeberman bottle- basically force feeding your kid. NO FUN! You get lots of questions, funny looks, and that dreaded fear that you are going to choke the bejesus out of your kid)
... Feeder formerly Haberman Feeder special baby bottle feeder 
He is now using  which is a pigeon nipple that goes on the regular medela bottles. AMAZING!  This nipple looks normal to anyone else's eyes, but it still has a valve where the milk can't back flow.  It also has a hard top and a soft bottom on it. This way all Jase has to do is basically bite down and the milk flows out. I am thanking God daily that he has finally figured this out.  I was dying over here feeding my kid like a bird.

2. His daddy has him laughing constantly. 
I love these boys!  

3. He is rolling over like nobodys business.  He started this when he was just a little over 2 months. I'm amazed daily at the things he does to watch T.V. 
P.S. I caught my dad propping him in front of the T.V. watching Madagascar the other day. Shame. Shame. 
(watching T.V. as he plays with his ball)

4. He now sleeps in his own crib. We put him to bed at 8p.m. asleep or awake and he's usually out within 5 minutes. THANK YOU JESUS!

 5.This boys loves to talk. 

A little background on this...

His momma is a talker.  God sure did give me the gift of gab.  This can be a GREAT gift in some situations, yet awful in others. 

 I am a teacher. Talking has to be a strong quality.(PLUS all this kid heard for 9 months was talk talk talk while I taught taught taught)

BUT... sometimes it's not all that great.

I married my husband 5 years ago after dating for 4. We are PERFECT for each other!  He calms me down (Pretty sure I was supposed to be diagnosed with ADHD) and I give him a little spunk. I talk talk talk and he listens listens listens ignores and says umm hmm.  He has finally admitted that he has learned to tune me out. LOL!  :-( The other night I asked him to do a few things and then ended it with, "Did you hear me?" He of course said, "Yes, hun!"  I then asked him what I had said.
Are you ready for this?
He replies with, "I love you??"
Good guess, but NOPE!  Oh boy....

I also find myself asking him quite often, "Do you think I talked too much? I think I talked too much. What do you think they thought about ______? I talked too much, didn't I?"
This conversation one person conversation happens quite often. I dread it when he takes me somewhere "different" or where I'm a little uncomfortable.
Example: The first time I met the entire crew at his fire station: (Mind you, he works at a large station with about 12 men.)
He introduces me to each one and of course I'm nervous. This is his 2nd family. They have heard everything about me. I'm SURE Corey has talked me up some. I have to be the perfect wife in front of them.
So of course, my gift kicks in. I talk, talk, talk.  After I left, I was so nervous that I had no idea what I had even talked about.  I'm sure I started 15 conversations and never ended a single one. I'm sure I told long winded stories without a climax or ending. I'm sure I embarrassed myself as well as Corey.  

Of course I did.  

The next morning Corey came home with a list of things saying, "I can't believe you said that." and "So and So thinks your hilarious." and "Kristina! Please don't ever mention ______again." 

Yep. I like to talk. 

I guess what I'm trying to get as is that there really isn't anything or anyone who can quiet my heart. I think think think. I over analyze each move someone makes or each word they say while they are speaking to me. Right then, my mind wanders 100 different directions and then BLAH...I start talking off subject or repeating myself. BUT, this little guy quiets my heart. I spend hours just watching him and praying. I thank God daily for such a perfect gift. I ask myself what I have done to receive such an innocent, perfect, and beautiful gift to raise the best I can to be a Godly man. Looking back, I don't know what life was really like before Jase. I was so empty without him, yet didn't know it. I can't imagine not waking up thinking about him, going to bed without thinking about him, waking up 10 times a night to go check on him, or loading up the truck to the roof just to go to Wal-Mart. :-)  I love this little guy and 3 months ago I KNEW God is a miracle maker and my Savior. I'm blessed.

the end.